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Установка Oraсle 10g в пакетном режиме

Установка Oraсle 10g в пакетном режиме


. environment
#~/database/runInstaller -silent -noconfig -responseFile `pwd`/00-enterprise.rsp
#cp ~/dbstart-correct ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/dbstart
#$ORACLE_HOME/bin/netca /silent /responsefile `pwd`/01-netca.rsp
#$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca -silent -responseFile `pwd`/02-dbca.rsp


export ORACLE_SID=utf
export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=oracle.host.tld
export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle
export ORACLE_TERM=xterm
export ORACLE_BASE=/ora
export ORACLE_HOME=${ORACLE_BASE}/product/
export ORA_NLS33=${ORACLE_HOME}/ocommon/nls/admin/data
export TNS_ADMIN=${ORACLE_HOME}/network/admin
export CLASSPATH=.:${ORACLE_HOME}/jdbc/lib/classes12.zip:$ORACLE_HOME/jre:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib;
export PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${ORACLE_HOME}/jdk/bin:${PATH}
export LANG=C
unset  NLS_LANG


## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2005. All rights reserved.##
##                                                                ##
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize     ##
## your installation.                                             ##
##                                                                ##
## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment        ##
## identifies the variable type.                                  ##
##                                                                ##
## Please specify the values in the following format:             ##
##                                                                ##
##         Type         Example                                   ##
##         String       "Sample Value"                            ##
##         Boolean      True or False                             ##
##         Number       1000                                      ##
##         StringList   {"String value 1","String Value 2"}       ##
##                                                                ##
## The values that are given as <Value Required> need to be       ##
## specified for a silent installation to be successful.          ##
##                                                                ##
##                                                                ##
## This response file is generated by Oracle Software             ##
## Packager.                                                      ##
#Name       : UNIX_GROUP_NAME
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Unix group to be set for the inventory directory.
#Example    : UNIX_GROUP_NAME = "install"
#Name       : FROM_LOCATION
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Complete path to the products.xml.
#Example    : FROM_LOCATION = "../stage/products.xml"
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Optionally specifies the full path of the next session's response
#             file. If only a file name is specified, the response file is
#             retrieved from the <TEMP>/oraInstall directory. This variable is
#             only active if NEXT_SESSION is set to true.
#Example: NEXT_SESSION_RESPONSE = "nextinstall.rsp"
#Name       : ORACLE_HOME
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Complete path of the Oracle Home.
#Example    : ORACLE_HOME = "/product/10.2.0/db_1"
#Name       : ORACLE_HOME_NAME
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Oracle Home Name. Used in creating folders and services.
#Example    : ORACLE_HOME_NAME = "OraDbHome1"
#Datatype   : StringList
#Description: The top level component to be installed in the current session.
#Example    : TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT = {"oracle.server",""}
#Name       : DEINSTALL_LIST
#Datatype   : StringList
#Description: List of components to be deinstalled during a deinstall session.
#Example    : DEINSTALL_LIST = {"oracle.server",""}
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the initial splash screen in OUI needs to be
#             shown.
#Example    : SHOW_SPLASH_SCREEN = true
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the Welcome page in OUI needs to be shown.
#Example    : SHOW_WELCOME_PAGE = false
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the node selection page in OUI needs to be shown.
#             This is only relevent when performing an upgrade of Oracle
#             Clusterware.
#Example    : SHOW_NODE_SELECTION_PAGE = false
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the summary page in OUI needs to be shown.
#             The summary page shows the list of components that will be
#             installed in this session.
#Example    : SHOW_SUMMARY_PAGE = true
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the install progress page in OUI needs to be
#             shown.
#             This page shows the current status in the installation. The
#             current status includes the product being installed and the file
#             being copied.
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the config assistants page in OUI needs to be
#             shown.
#             This page shows the list of configuration assistants that are
#             part of this installation and are configured to launch
#             automatically.  It shows the status of each assistant, including
#             any failures with detailed information on why it failed.
#Example    : SHOW_CONFIG_TOOL_PAGE = true
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: This variable determines whether or not to show the prereq page.
#Example    : SHOW_XML_PREREQ_PAGE = true
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the Confirmation dialog asking to run the root.sh
#             script in OUI needs to be shown.
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the end of session page in OUI needs to be shown.
#             This page shows if the installation is successful or not.
#Example    : SHOW_END_SESSION_PAGE = true
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the confirmation when exiting OUI needs to be shown.
#Example    : SHOW_EXIT_CONFIRMATION = true
#Name       : NEXT_SESSION
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true to allow users to go back to the File Locations page
#             for another installation. This flag also needs to be set to true
#             in order to process another response file
#             (see NEXT_SESSION_RESPONSE).
#Example    : NEXT_SESSION = true
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true to allow users to invoke another session even if
#             current install session has failed. This flag is only relevant
#             if NEXT_SESSION is set to true.
#Example    : NEXT_SESSION_ON_FAIL = true
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if deinstall confimation is needed during a deinstall
#             session.
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if deinstall progress is needed during a deinstall
#             session.
#Example    : SHOW_DEINSTALL_PROGRESS = true
#Name       : RESTART_SYSTEM
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true to allow automatic restart of the system, if set to
#             false then installer will exit without restarting, no exit
#             confirmation dialog is shown
#Example    : RESTART_SYSTEM = false
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true to allow automatic restart of the remote systems, if
#             set to false then installer will not restart the remote systems,
#             no exit confirmation dialog is shown
#Example    : RESTART_REMOTE_SYSTEM = false
#Name       : REMOVE_HOMES
#Datatype   : StringList
#Description: List of the homes to be removed during a deinstall session. Each
#             home is represented by its full path.
#Example    : REMOVE_HOMES = {<full_path_of_home1>,<full_path_of_home2>, ...}
REMOVE_HOMES= { /ora/product/ }
#Datatype   : String
#Description: This variable holds the hostname of the system as set by the
#             user.
#             It can be used to force the installation to use an alternative
#             hostname rather than using the first hostname found on the
#             system (e.g., for systems with multiple hostnames and network
#             interfaces).
#Example    : ORACLE_HOSTNAME =
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Set to true if the text on end of install screen is to be shown.
#             The text is always available under
#             <Oracle Home>/install/readme.txt.
#Example    : SHOW_END_OF_INSTALL_MSGS = true
#Name       : CLUSTER_NODES
#Datatype   : StringList
#Description: This variable represents the cluster node names selected by the
#             user for installation.
#Example    : CLUSTER_NODES = {"node1","node2"}
CLUSTER_NODES=<Value Unspecified>
#Datatype   : StringList
#Description: Languages in which the components will be installed.
#             The following choices are available. The value should contain
#             only one of these choices.
#             en,   : English
#             fr,   : French
#             ar,   : Arabic
#             bn,   : Bengali
#             pt_BR,: Brazilian Portuguese
#             bg,   : Bulgarian
#             fr_CA,: Canadian French
#             ca,   : Catalan
#             hr,   : Croatian
#             cs,   : Czech
#             da,   : Danish
#             nl,   : Dutch
#             ar_EG,: Egyptian
#             en_GB,: English (United Kingdom)
#             et,   : Estonian
#             fi,   : Finnish
#             de,   : German
#             el,   : Greek
#             iw,   : Hebrew
#             hu,   : Hungarian
#             is,   : Icelandic
#             in,   : Indonesian
#             it,   : Italian
#             ja,   : Japanese
#             ko,   : Korean
#             es,   : Latin American Spanish
#             lv,   : Latvian
#             lt,   : Lithuanian
#             ms,   : Malay
#             es_MX,: Mexican Spanish
#             no,   : Norwegian
#             pl,   : Polish
#             pt,   : Portuguese
#             ro,   : Romanian
#             ru,   : Russian
#             zh_CN,: Simplified Chinese
#             sk,   : Slovak
#             sl,   : Slovenian
#             es_ES,: Spanish
#             sv,   : Swedish
#             th,   : Thai
#             zh_TW,: Traditional Chinese
#             tr,   : Turkish
#             uk,   : Ukrainian
#             vi,   : Vietnamese
#Example    : COMPONENT_LANGUAGES = {"en"}
#Name       : INSTALL_TYPE
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Installation type of the component.
#             The following choices are available. The value should contain
#             only one of these choices.
#             EE     : Enterprise Edition
#             SE     : Standard Edition
#             Custom : Custom
#Example    : INSTALL_TYPE = "EE"
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: PRIVILEGED OPERATING SYSTEM GROUPS                                  #
# ------------------------------------------                                  #
# Provide values for the OS groups you wish to grant OSDBA and OSOPER         #
# privileges.  If the user performing the install is a member of the group    #
# "dba", then that will be used unless specified otherwise below.             #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : s_nameForDBAGrp
# Datatype   : String
# Description: The OS group to be granted OSDBA privileges
# Example    : s_nameForDBAGrp = "dba"
# Name       : s_nameForOPERGrp
# Datatype   : String
# Description: The OS group to be granted OSOPER privileges
# Example    : s_nameForDBAGrp = "oper"
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: SELECT CONFIGURATION OPTION                                         #
# -----------------------------------                                         #
# Please note that you must specificy values for all three entries below in   #
# order to supress the Configuration Option Dialog.  Even if you choose not   #
# to configure an ASM instance, you must specify values for s_ASMSYSPassword  #
# and s_ASMSYSPasswordAgain in order for the dialog not to be displayed.  If  #
# you choose to create a database or perform a software-only installation,    #
# simply leave set these passwords to "".  They will be ignored, but are      #
# required for proper screen supression.                                      #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : n_configurationOption
# Datatype   : Number
# Description: Determines the type of configuration to perform for the session.
#              This entry should be specified as an number.  The valid values
#              that you can use map to the following options:
#              1 - Create a Database
#              2 - Configure an ASM instance
#              3 - Install Software Only
# Example    : n_configurationOption=1
# Name       : s_ASMSYSPassword
# Datatype   : String
# Description: ASM SYS Password
# Name       : s_ASMSYSPasswordAgain
# Datatype   : String
# Description: ASM Sys password confirmation
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: SELECT DATABASE CONFIGURATION                                       #
# -------------------------------------                                       #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do not Upgrade an existing database) and   #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database) then you need to specify the    #
# type of database you wish to create.  This can be done by selecting one of  #
# the three starter database types or by choosing the Advanced configuration  #
# option wish allows you to completely customize your database using the      #
# DBCA.                                                                       #
#                                                                             #
# If you did not choose n_performUpgrade=0 and n_configurationOption=1        #
# then you need not specify values for n_dbType or s_responseFileName.        #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : n_dbType
# Datatype   : Number
# Description: Determines the type of database to create.
#              This entry should be specified as a number.  The valid values
#              you can specify map to the following options:
#              1 - General Purpose Starter Database
#              2 - Transaction Processing Starter Database
#              3 - Data Warehouse Starter Database
#              4 - Advanced Configuration
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
# Example    : n_dbType=1
# Name       : s_responseFileName
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Stores the location of the DBCA response file for an Advanced
#              Configuration.
#              If you chose to perform a silent Advanced Configuration by
#              specifying n_dbType=4 above, then you need to specify a number
#              of additional Advanced Configuration parameters in a response
#              file that is used by the DBCA.  A template of this response file
#              can be found on the installation media in response/dbca.rsp.  Use
#              this file to completely customize the silent database
#              configuration, and set s_responseFileName to the location of
#              this response file.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType=4
# Example    : oracle.assistants.server:s_responseFileName = "/tmp/dbca.rsp"
oracle.assistants.server:s_responseFileName=<Value Unspecified>
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: SPECIFY DATABASE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS                              #
# ----------------------------------------------                              #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database), and n_dbType = 1, 2 or 3       #
# (i.e., you chose to create a Starter Database), then you can specify the    #
# following additional properties of your database here:                      #
# 1. Database SID and Global Database Name (s_dbSid, s_globalDBName)          #
# 2. Database Character Set (s_dbRetChar)                                     #
# 3. Whether you want Example Schemas (b_loadExampleSchemas)                  #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : s_globalDBName
# Datatype   : String
# Description: The Starter Database Global Database Name
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
# Example     : s_globalDBName = "mydb.mydomain.com"
# Name       : s_dbSid
# Datatype   : String
# Description: The Starter Database SID.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
# Example    : s_dbSid = "orcl"
# Name       : s_dbRetChar
# Datatype   : String
# Description: The Starter Database Characterset
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
# Example    : s_dbRetChar = "WE8ISO8859P1"
# Name       : b_loadExampleSchemas
# Datatype   : Boolean
# Description: This variable controls whether to load Example Schemas onto the
#              starter database or not.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
# Example    : b_loadExampleSchemas=false
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: SELECT DATABASE MANAGEMENT OPTION                                   #
# -----------------------------------------                                   #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database), and n_dbType = 1, 2 or 3       #
# (i.e., you chose to create a Starter Database), then you can specify the    #
# following management options for your Starter Database:                     #
# 1. Whether to use Database Control or Grid Control to manage your database  #
#    (b_useDBControl)                                                         #
# 2. If you choose to use Database Control, you can choose to receive Email   #
#    Notifications for critical alerts (b_receiveEmailNotification,           #
#    s_dlgEMSMTPServer, and s_dlgEMEmailAddress)                              #
# 3. If you choose to use Grid Control you must specify the Management        #
#    service that you wish to use. (s_dlgEMCentralAgentSelected)              #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : b_useDBControl
# Datatype   : Boolean
# Description: Determines whether to use Database Control or Grid Control to
#              manage the database.
#              This variable also controls the following variables depending on
#              its value:
#              true: - b_receiveEmailNotification
#                    - s_dlgEMSMTPServer
#                    - s_dlgEMEmailAddress
#              false:- s_dlgEMCentralAgentSelected
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
# Example     : b_useDBControl=true
# Name       : b_receiveEmailNotification
# Datatype   : Boolean
# Description: Determines whether to receive email notification for critical
#              alerts when using DB control.
#              If set to true, this variable also requires the following
#              variables to be set:
#              - s_dlgEMSMTPServer
#              - s_dlgEMEmailAddress
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_useDBControl=true
# Example     : b_receiveEmailNotification=false
# Name       : s_dlgEMSMTPServer
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Determines the SMTP server used for email notifications.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_useDBControl=true
#  b_receiveEmailNotification=true
# Example     : s_dlgEMSMTPServer = "mysmtp.mydomain.com"
s_dlgEMSMTPServer=<Value Unspecified>
# Name       : s_dlgEMEmailAddress
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Determines the email address the notifications are sent to.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_useDBControl=true
#  b_receiveEmailNotification=true
# Example    : s_dlgEMEmailAddress = "myemail@mydomain.com"
s_dlgEMEmailAddress=<Value Unspecified>
# Name       : s_dlgEMCentralAgentSelected
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Determines the Management Service to use if Grid Control is
#              selected to manage the database.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_useDBControl=false
# Example    : s_dlgEMCentralAgentSelected = "http://myem.mydomain.com:4889/em/upload"
s_dlgEMCentralAgentSelected=<Value Unspecified>
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: SPECIFY DATABASE STORAGE OPTION                                     #
# ---------------------------------------                                     #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database), and n_dbType = 1, 2 or 3       #
# (i.e., you chose to create a Starter Database), then you can specify the    #
# type of storage options for your Starter Database using the entries below.  #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : n_dbStorageType
# Datatype   : Number
# Description: Determines the type of storage to use for the the database.
#              This entry should be specified as an number.  The valid values
#              that you can use map to the following options:
#              1 - Place the data files on a file system
#              2 - Use Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
#              3 - Place the datafiles on raw partitions
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
# Name       : s_mountPoint
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Location on the file system where you want to place your data
#              files
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  n_dbStorageType = 1
s_mountPoint=<Value Unspecified>
# Name       : s_rawDeviceMapFileLocation
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Specifies the location of a the raw devices mapping file.
#              If you are using raw storage, you must place each tablespace,
#              redo log, control file, etc. on a separate raw partition.  The
#              raw devices mapping file contains a mapping that tells the the
#              Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) which tablespace, redo
#              log, etc. to put in which raw device.  See the installation
#              guide for more information on the raw devices mapping file.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  n_dbStorageType = 3
s_rawDeviceMapFileLocation=<Value Unspecified>
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: SPECIFY BACKUP AND RECOVERY OPTIONS                                 #
# -------------------------------------------                                 #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database), and n_dbType = 1, 2 or 3       #
# (i.e., you chose to create a Starter Database), then you can specify the    #
# out-of-box backup and recovery options for your database using the entries  #
# below.                                                                      #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : b_enableAutoBackup
# Datatype   : Boolean
# Description: Determines whether to enable automated backups or not.
#              If you set this entry to TRUE, then values for the the following
#              additional entries also need to be set:
#              - b_useFileSystemForRecovery
#              - s_dlgRBORecoveryLocation
#              - s_dlgRBOUsername
#              - s_dlgRBOPassword
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
# Example     : b_enableAutoBackup=true
# Name       : b_useFileSystemForRecovery
# Datatype   : Boolean
# Description: Determines whether to use a file system or ASM for storing files
#              related to backup and recovery of your database.
#              If set to TRUE, then the file system will be used.  If set to
#              FALSE, then ASM will be used.  This entry is only relevant if
#              b_enableAutoBackup is set to TRUE above.
#              If you set this entry to TRUE (use the file system), then you
#              should also specify a value for:
#              - s_dlgRBORecoveryLocation
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
# Example     : b_useFileSystemForRecovery=true
# Name       : s_dlgRBORecoveryLocation
# Datatype   : String
# Description: If using a file system for storing backup and recovery files,
#              this entry is used for specifying the location on the file
#              system for storing these files..
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
#  b_useFileSystemForRecovery=true
# Example     : s_dlgRBORecoveryLocation="/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area"
s_dlgRBORecoveryLocation=<Value Unspecified>
# Name       : s_dlgRBOUsername
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Regardless of the type of storage you choose for backup and
#              recovery, if you decide to enable automated backups, a job will
#              be scheduled to run daily at 2:00 AM to backup your database.
#              This job will run as the operating system user that you specify
#              using this entry.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
# Example     : s_dlgRBOUsername = "oracle"
# Name       : s_dlgRBOUsername
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Regardless of the type of storage you choose for backup and
#              recovery, if you decide to enable automated backups, a job will
#              be scheduled to run daily at 2:00 AM to backup your database.
#              This job will run as the operating system user specified by
#              the above entry s_dlgRBOUsername.  This entry stores the
#              the password for the above operating system user.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: CONFIGURE AUTOMATIC STORAGE MANAGEMENT                              #
# ----------------------------------------------                              #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database), n_dbType = 1, 2 or 3, and      #
# n_dbStorageType=2 (use ASM)                                                 #
#                                                                             #
# -- OR --                                                                    #
#                                                                             #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database), n_dbType = 1, 2 or 3,          #
# b_enableAutoBackup=true, and b_useFileSystemForRecovery=false (use ASM      #
# for backup and recovery)                                                    #
#                                                                             #
# -- OR --                                                                    #
#                                                                             #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 and n_configurationOption=2 (configure      #
# Automatic Storage Management)                                               #
#                                                                             #
# Then you need to specify configuration parameters for your Automatic        #
# Storage Management instance.  Do so using the entries below.                #
#                                                                             #
#                            --------------                                   #
#                                                                             #
# NOTE:  For single instance configurations of ASM, Cluster                   #
# Synchronization Services (CSS) must be configured as root prior to the      #
# the creation of the ASM instance using the DBCA.  Thus, for silent          #
# configurations of Automatic Storage Management, the DBCA will not be        #
# launched automatically at the end of the installation.  This will give      #
# you the opportunity to run root.sh after the installation portion is        #
# is complete but before configuration begins.                                #
#                                                                             #
# Instead, the values you enter here are stored for later use.  After you run #
# root.sh, you can execute the file:                                          #
#                                                                             #
#     $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/configToolAllCommands                          #
#                                                                             #
# This will launch the configuration tools using the values saved from this   #
# response file.                                                              #
#                                                                             #
#Name       : s_dlgASMCfgDiskGroupName
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Stores the name of the disk group you are creating within ASM
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  n_dbStorageType = 2
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
#  b_useFileSystemForRecovery=false
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=2
#  n_performUpgrade=0
# Example   : s_dlgASMCfgDiskGroupName="DATA"
#Name       : s_dlgASMCfgDiskDiscoveryString
#Datatype   : String
#Description: The Disk Discovery path contains a set of regular expressions
#             that are used to identify candidate disks for ASM to use.
#             By default, ASM searches in a platform-specific location for
#             candidate disks.  See the installation guide for more details
#             on the Disk Discovery Path.  If disks are located in the
#             operating system specific default location, you need not change
#             the value of this variable.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  n_dbStorageType = 2
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
#  b_useFileSystemForRecovery=false
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=2
#  n_performUpgrade=0
# Example   : s_dlgASMCfgDiskDiscoveryString="/dev/raw/*"
s_dlgASMCfgDiskDiscoveryString=<Value Unspecified>
#Name       : n_dlgASMCfgRedundancySelected
#Datatype   : Number
#Description: Specifies the redundancy level that Automatic Storage Management
#             will use.
#             This entry must be specified as one of the following numbers
#             which map to different redundancy levels:
#             1 - External redundancy (no mirroring)
#             2 - Normal redundancy (two-way mirroring)
#             3 - High redundancy (three-way mirroring)
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  n_dbStorageType = 2
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
#  b_useFileSystemForRecovery=false
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=2
#  n_performUpgrade=0
# Example   : n_dlgASMCfgRedundancySelected=2
n_dlgASMCfgRedundancySelected=<Value Unspecified>
# Name       : sl_dlgASMCfgSelectableDisks
# Datatype   : StringList
# Description: Specifies the disks that can be made part of the disk group
#              created during the installation.
#              This list of disks contains the path to the disk in question
#              and the size of the disk in MB.  Specify the disks you
#              wish to use for ASM storage as alternative pairs of
#              <path to disk>, <size of disk>.
#              The set of disks you wish to use should be specified in two
#              places - this variable as well as the following variable:
#              - sl_dlgASMCfgDiskSelections
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  n_dbStorageType = 2
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
#  b_useFileSystemForRecovery=false
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=2
#  n_performUpgrade=0
# Example    : sl_dlgASMCfgSelectableDisks={"/dev/raw/asm1","1800","/dev/raw/asm2","1800","/dev/raw/asm3","1800","/dev/raw/asm4","1800"}
sl_dlgASMCfgSelectableDisks=<Value Unspecified>
# Name       : sl_dlgASMCfgDiskSelections
# Datatype   : StringList
# Description: Specifies the disks that will be made part of the disk group
#              created during the installation.
#              This list of disks contains the path to the disk in question
#              and the size of the disk in MB.  Specify the disks you
#              wish to use for ASM storage as alternative pairs of
#              <path to disk>, <size of disk>.
#              The set of disks you wish to use should be specified in two
#              places - this variable as well as the following variable:
#              - sl_dlgASMCfgSelectableDisks
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  n_dbStorageType = 2
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
#  b_useFileSystemForRecovery=false
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=2
#  n_performUpgrade=0
# Example    : sl_dlgASMCfgDiskSelections={"/dev/raw/asm1","1800","/dev/raw/asm2","1800","/dev/raw/asm3","1800","/dev/raw/asm4","1800"}
sl_dlgASMCfgDiskSelections=<Value Unspecified>
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: SELECT ASM DISK GROUP                                               #
# -----------------------------                                               #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database), n_dbType = 1, 2 or 3, and      #
# n_dbStorageType=2 (use ASM)                                                 #
#                                                                             #
# -- OR --                                                                    #
#                                                                             #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database), n_dbType = 1, 2 or 3,          #
# b_enableAutoBackup=true, and b_useFileSystemForRecovery=false (use ASM      #
# for backup and recovery)                                                    #
#                                                                             #
# -- AND --                                                                   #
#                                                                             #
# If you are installing on a system where an ASM instance already exists      #
#                                                                             #
# Then you can use the existing ASM instance for storage.  As part of the     #
# the installation, you cannot create a new disk group in this case.  You can #
# only use one of the existing Disk groups in your existing ASM instance.     #
#                                                                             #
# If there is not enough free space in your existing disk group to store      #
# the additional data that you wish to store, then the installer will allow   #
# you to add existing disks to the disk group you select to use.  This can    #
# be done silently by specifying the values for:                              #
#                                                                             #
# - s_dlgASMCfgDiskGroupName                                                  #
# - s_dlgASMCfgDiskDiscoveryString                                            #
# - n_dlgASMCfgRedundancySelected                                             #
# - sl_dlgASMCfgSelectableDisks                                               #
# - sl_dlgASMCfgDiskSelections                                                #
#                                                                             #
# in the section above.                                                       #
#                                                                             #
# If you wish to create a new database, store database or backup and          #
# recovery files in an existing ASM instance, and create new disks groups     #
# for this purpose (rather than having to use an existing disk group, then    #
# you should perform a software only installation and then use the Database   #
# Configuruation Assistant (DBCA) to create disk groups in an existing ASM    #
# instance.                                                                   #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : sl_dlgASMDskGrpSelectedGroup
# Datatype   : StringList
# Description: Specifies the existing disk group in an existing ASM instance
#              that you want to use for storage.
#              The disk group must be specified as a set of entries in a
#              string list.  The entries in the string list consist of the
#              1. disk group name
#              2. the total space in the disk group (in MB)
#              3. the available space in the disk group (in MB)
#              4. the redundancy level of the disk group
#              These values can be obtained easily by executing the following
#              command from the Oracle Home where your existing ASM instance
#              is running (you must set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
#              prior to running the command):
#                    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/kfod op=groups _asmsid='+ASM'
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  n_dbStorageType = 2
#  -- OR --
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_enableAutoBackup=true
#  b_useFileSystemForRecovery=false
# Example    : sl_dlgASMDskGrpSelectedGroup={"DATA","3600","3498","NORMAL"}
sl_dlgASMDskGrpSelectedGroup={" "," "," "," "}
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: SELECT DATABASE MANAGEMENT OPTION (ASM only configuration)          #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------          #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# and n_configurationOption=2 (Confiugure an ASM instance) and if you already #
# have installed an Enterprise Manager Grid Control Agent on the system, you  #
# have the option of centrally managing your ASM instance.  You can do so by  #
# setting the variables below.                                                #
#                                                                             #
# NOTE: If you choose to Configure an ASM instance in its own ORACLE_HOME,    #
# (which is recommended) there is no option to manage this instance using     #
# Database Control.  Grid Control Management is an option that you can        #
# configure from the installation if you already have an Grid Control Agent   #
# installed.  You can always install a Grid Control Agent after configuration #
# which will discover and allow you to manage this instance.  In addition,    #
# you can manage the ASM instance using Database Control once you configure   #
# a database that uses the ASM instance (using the Database Control that is   #
# is configured with that database.)                                          #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : b_centrallyManageASMInstance
# Datatype   : Boolean
# Description: Governs whether the ASM instance is to be managed by Grid
#              Control or not.
#              Note that this option is only relevant if you choose
#              n_configurationOption=2 (Configure an ASM instance), and if
#              you already have a Grid Control Agent on the system that can
#              be used for central management.  If you have such an Agent, and
#              you wish to use it to centrally manage your ASM instance, then
#              you must also set the following variable as documented above,
#              which specifies which Management Service you wish to use:
#              - s_dlgEMCentralAgentSelected
# Example    : b_centrallyManageASMInstance=true
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: SPECIFY DATABASE SCHEMA PASSWORDS                                   #
# -----------------------------------------                                   #
# If you chose n_performUpgrade=0 (Do Not Upgrade an existing database),      #
# n_configurationOption=1 (Create a Database), and n_dbType = 1, 2 or 3       #
# (i.e., you chose to create a Starter Database), then you can specify the    #
# the passwords for the following four schemas in your starter database:      #
#   SYS                                                                       #
#   SYSTEM                                                                    #
#   SYSMAN (used by Enterprise Manager)                                       #
#   DBSNMP (used by Enterprise Manager)                                       #
#                                                                             #
# You can choose to use the same password for all accounts (not recommended)  #
# or you can specify different passwords for each account (recommended)       #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : b_useSamePassword
# Datatype   : Boolean
# Description: Determines whether the same password is set for each database
#              schema or whether different passwords should be specified.
#              If b_useSamePassword=true, then you must specify the password
#              that will be used for all accounts using:
#              - s_superAdminSamePasswd
#              - s_superAdminSamePasswdAgain
#              If b_useSamePassword=false, then you must specify the passwords
#              the will be used for each account using:
#              - sl_superAdminPasswds
#              - sl_superAdminPasswdsAgain
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
# Example    : b_useSamePassword=false
# Name       : s_superAdminSamePasswd
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Stores the password to be used for all accounts.
#              NOTE: In order to perform the silent install successfully, you
#              must specify the same password in both variables:
#              - s_superAdminSamePasswd
#              - s_superAdminSamePasswdAgain
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_useSamePassword=true
# Name       : s_superAdminSamePasswdAgain
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Stores the password to be used for all accounts.
#              NOTE: In order to perform the silent install successfully, you
#              must specify the same password in both variables:
#              - s_superAdminSamePasswd
#              - s_superAdminSamePasswdAgain
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_useSamePassword=true
# Name       : s_superAdminSamePasswd
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Stores the password to be used for each of the database schemas
#              SYS, SYSTEM, SYSMAN, and DBSNMP.
#              NOTE: In order to perform the silent install successfully, you
#              must specify the same passwords for each schema using both:
#              - sl_superAdminSamePasswds
#              - sl_superAdminSamePasswdsAgain
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_useSamePassword=false
# Example    : sl_superAdminPasswds = {"<password for SYS>","<password for SYSTEM>","<password for SYSMAN>","<password for DBSNMP>"}
sl_superAdminPasswds=<Value Unspecified>
# Name       : s_superAdminSamePasswdAgain
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Stores the password to be used for each of the database schemas
#              SYS, SYSTEM, SYSMAN, and DBSNMP.
#              NOTE: In order to perform the silent install successfully, you
#              must specify the same passwords for each schema using both:
#              - sl_superAdminSamePasswds
#              - sl_superAdminSamePasswdsAgain
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_configurationOption=1
#  n_performUpgrade=0
#  n_dbType = 1, 2, or 3
#  b_useSamePassword=false
# Example    : sl_superAdminPasswdsAgain = {"<password for SYS>","<password for SYSTEM>","<password for SYSMAN>","<password for DBSNMP>"}
sl_superAdminPasswdsAgain=<Value Unspecified>
#                                                                             #
# Dialog: UPGRADE AN EXISTING DATABASE                                        #
# ------------------------------------                                        #
# Databases prior to may be upgraded after the installation using  #
# the Database Upgrade Assistant.  If you have databases prior to 10g         #
# Release 2 ( on your system, then the installation displays a     #
# dialog allowing you to upgrade one of those databases directly from the     #
# installation.  If any of your databases use ASM for storage, you can choose #
# to upgrade just the ASM instance, just the database, or both.               #
#                                                                             #
# Name       : n_performUpgrade
# Datatype   : Number
# Description: Determines whether to perform an upgrade during the installation
#              or not.
#              If n_performUpgrade=1, then an upgrade will be performed at the
#              end of the installation.  In this case, you must also specify
#              the values of one or both of the following:
#              - n_upgradeDB
#              - n_upgradeASM
#              IMPORTANT INFO: If n_performUpgrade=0, then an upgrade will not
#              be performed, and you can choose to create a new database using
#              the variables as documented above.  However, if you set
#              n_performUpgrade=0, then use the following values ONLY for the
#              respective variables:
#              - n_upgradeDB=0
#              - s_dbOHSelectedForUpgrade=""
#              - s_dbSIDSelectedForUpgrade=""
#              - n_upgradeASM=0
#              - s_dbSelectedUsesASM="no"
# Example    : n_performUpgrade=0
# Name       : n_upgradeDB
# Datatype   : Number
# Description: Specifies whether the user wishes to perform an upgrade of a
#              database (in addition to or as opposed to upgrading an ASM
#              instance)
#              This value must be specified as a number, which maps to the
#              following behavior:
#              1 - Upgrade a database
#              0 - Do Not Upgrade a Database
#              If n_upgradeDB=1, then you must also specify values for the
#              following variables:
#              - s_dbOHSelectedForUpgrade
#              - s_dbSIDSelectedForUpgrade
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_performUpgrade=1
# Example    : n_upgradeDB = 1
# Name       : s_dbOHSelectedForUpgrade
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Specifies the Oracle Home of the database you wish to upgrade.
#              If s_dbOHSelectedForUpgrade is set to something other than "",
#              then you must also specify values for the following variable:
#              - s_dbSelectedUsesASM
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_performUpgrade=1
#  n_upgradeDB=1
# Example    : s_dbOHSelectedForUpgrade = "/u01/app/oracle/9.2.0/db"
# Name       : s_dbSIDSelectedForUpgrade
# Datatype   : String
# Description: Specifies the SID (for single instance) or database name (for
#              RAC of the database you wish to upgrade.
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_performUpgrade=1
#  n_upgradeDB=1
# Example    : s_dbSIDSelectedForUpgrade = "orcl"
# Name       : n_upgradeASM
# Datatype   : Number
# Description: Specifies whether the user wishes to perform an upgrade of the
#              ASM instance (in addition to or as opposed to upgrading a
#              database)
#              This value must be specified as a number, which maps to the
#              following behavior:
#              1 - Upgrade ASM
#              0 - Do Not Upgrade ASM
# Pre-requsites for setting this variable:
#  n_performUpgrade=1
# Example    : n_upgradeASM = 1
#Name       : s_dbSelectedUsesASM
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: "Yes" if db selected uses ASM, else "No"
#Component  : oracle.server
# Pre req:
#  n_performUpgrade=1
#  n_upgradeDB=1
#                                                                             #
# THEY SHOULD NOT BE MODIFIED.                                                #
#                                                                             #
#Name       : sl_upgradableSIDBInstances
#             sl_upgradableRACDBInstances
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Contains the upgradable DB instances
#Component  : oracle.server
#Name       : n_dbSelection
#Datatype   : Number
#Description: row selected in the spread table of upgradable DB instances
#Component  : oracle.server
#Name       : b_stateOfUpgradeASMCheckbox
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: stores the state of checkbox in UI
#Component  : oracle.server
#Name       : b_stateOfUpgradeDBCheckbox
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: stores the state of checkbox in UI
#Component  : oracle.server
#Name       : b_oneClick
#Datatype   : Boolean
#Description: Governs one-click behavior
#Name       : s_dlgASMCfgRedundancyValue
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Redundancy Value
#Component  : oracle.server
#Name       : s_dlgASMCfgExistingFreeSpace
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Existing Freee Space
#Component  : oracle.server
#Name       : s_dlgASMCfgNewDisksSize
#Datatype   : String
#Description: New Disks Size
#Component  : oracle.server
#Name       : s_dlgASMCfgAdditionalSpaceNeeded
#Datatype   : String
#Description: Additional Space Needed for ASM configuration
#Component  : oracle.server
s_dlgASMCfgAdditionalSpaceNeeded="0 MB"


## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 2002. All rights reserved.## 
##                                                           ## 
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize## 
## your installation.                                        ## 
##                                                           ## 
## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment   ## 
## identifies the variable type.                             ## 
##                                                           ## 
## Please specify the values in the following format:        ## 
##                                                           ## 
##         Type         Example                              ## 
##         String       "Sample Value"                       ## 
##         Boolean      True or False                        ## 
##         Number       1000                                 ## 
##         StringList   {"String value 1","String Value 2"}  ## 
##                                                           ## 
##                                                           ## 
## This sample response file causes the Oracle Net           ##
## Configuration Assistant (NetCA) to complete an Oracle Net ##
## configuration during a custom install of the Oracle10i    ##
## server which is similar to what would be created by the   ##
## NetCA during typical Oracle10i install. It also documents ##
## all of the NetCA response files variables so you can      ##
## create your own response file to configure Oracle Net     ##
## during an install the way you wish.                       ##
##                                                           ## 
# Name       : SHOW_GUI
# Datatype   : Boolean
# Description: This variable controls appearance/suppression of the NetCA GUI,
# Pre-req    : N/A
# Default    : TRUE
# Note:
# This must be set to false in order to run NetCA in silent mode. 
# This is a substitue of "/silent" flag in the NetCA command line.
# The command line flag has precendence over the one in this response file.
# This feature is present since
# Name       : LOG_FILE
# Datatype   : String
# Description: If present, NetCA will log output to this file in addition to the
#	       standard out.
# Pre-req    : N/A
# Default    : NONE
# Note:
# 	This is a substitue of "/log" in the NetCA command line.
# The command line argument has precendence over the one in this reponse file.
# This feature is present since
#INSTALLED_COMPONENTS;StringList;list of installed components
# The possible values for installed components are:
# "net8","server","client","aso", "cman", "javavm" 
#INSTALL_TYPE;String;type of install
# The possible values for install type are:
# "typical","minimal" or "custom"
#LISTENER_NUMBER;Number;Number of Listeners
# A typical install sets one listener 
#LISTENER_NAMES;StringList;list of listener names
# The values for listener are:
# A typical install sets only "LISTENER" 
#LISTENER_PROTOCOLS;StringList;list of listener addresses (protocols and parameters separated by semicolons)
# The possible values for listener protocols are:
# "TCP;1521","TCPS;2484","NMP;ORAPIPE","IPC;IPCKEY","VI;1521" 
# A typical install sets only "TCP;1521" 
#LISTENER_START;String;name of the listener to start, in double quotes
#NAMING_METHODS;StringList;list of naming methods
# The possible values for naming methods are: 
# A typical install sets only: "TNSNAMES","ONAMES","HOSTNAMES" 
#NOVELL_NAMECONTEXT;String;Novell Directory Service name context, in double quotes
# A typical install does not use this variable. 
#SUN_METAMAP;String; SUN meta map, in double quotes
# A typical install does not use this variable. 
#DCE_CELLNAME;String;DCE cell name, in double quotes
# A typical install does not use this variable. 
#NSN_NUMBER;Number;Number of NetService Names
# A typical install sets one net service name
#NSN_NAMES;StringList;list of Net Service names
# A typical install sets net service name to "EXTPROC_CONNECTION_DATA"
#NSN_SERVICE;StringList;Oracle10i database's service name
# A typical install sets Oracle10i database's service name to "PLSExtProc"
#NSN_PROTOCOLS;StringList;list of coma separated strings of Net Service Name protocol parameters
# The possible values for net service name protocol parameters are:
# A typical install sets parameters to "IPC;EXTPROC"


##                                                                          ##
##                            DBCA response file                            ##
##                            ------------------                            ##
## Copyright   1998, 2004, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.         ##
##                                                                          ##
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize Oracle        ##
## Database Configuration installation.                                     ##
##                                                                          ##
## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment identifies the   ##
## variable type.                                                           ##
##                                                                          ##
## Please specify the values in the following format :                      ##
##          Type       :  Example                                           ##
##          String     :  "<value>"                                         ##
##          Boolean    :  True or False                                     ##
##          Number     :  <numeric value>                                   ##
##          StringList :  {"<value1>","<value2>"}                           ##
##                                                                          ##
## Examples :                                                               ##
##     1. dbca -progress_only -responseFile <response file>                 ##
##        Display a progress bar depicitng progress of database creation    ##
##        process.                                                          ##
##                                                                          ##
##     2. dbca -silent -responseFile <response file>                        ##
##        Creates database silently. No user interface is displayed.        ##
##                                                                          ##
##     3. dbca -silent -createDatabase -cloneTemplate                       ##
##			 -responseFile <response file>                      ##
##        Creates database silently with clone template. The template in    ##
##	  reponsefile is a clone template. 			            ##
##                                                                          ##
##     4. dbca -silent -deleteDatabase -responseFile <response file>        ##
##        Deletes database silently.                                        ##
# GENERAL section is required for all types of database creations.
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Version of the database to create
# Valid values  : "10.0.0"
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
# Name          : OPERATION_TYPE
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Type of operation
# Valid values  : "createDatabase" \ "createTemplateFromDB" \ "createCloneTemplate" \ "deleteDatabase" \ "configureDatabase" \ "configureASM" \ "addInstance" (RAC-only) \ "deleteInstance" (RAC-only)
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
OPERATION_TYPE = "createDatabase"
#-----------------------*** End of GENERAL section ***------------------------
# CREATEDATABASE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createDatabase". 
# Name          : GDBNAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Global database name of the database
# Valid values  : <db_name>.<db_domain> - when database domain isn't NULL
#                 <db_name>             - when database domain is NULL
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
GDBNAME = "utf.oracle.host.tld"
# Name          : SID
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : System identifier (SID) of the database
# Valid values  : Check Oracle10g Administrator's Guide
# Default value : <db_name> specified in GDBNAME
# Mandatory     : No
SID = "utf"
# Name          : NODELIST
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Comma-separated list of cluster nodes
# Valid values  : Cluster node names
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No (Yes for RAC)
# Name          : TEMPLATENAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Name of the template
# Valid values  : Template name as seen in DBCA
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
#TEMPLATENAME = "General Purpose"
TEMPLATENAME = "New Database"
# Datatype      : Boolean
# Description   : Set to true if passwords are encrypted
# Valid values  : TRUE\FALSE
# Default value : FALSE
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : SYSPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Password for SYS user
# Valid values  : Check Oracle10g Administrator's Guide
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
SYSPASSWORD = "changeThisToSomething"
# Name          : SYSTEMPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Password for SYSTEM user
# Valid values  : Check Oracle10g Administrator's Guide
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
SYSTEMPASSWORD = "changeThisToSomething"
# Name          : EMCONFIGURATION
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Enterprise Manager Configuration Type
# Default value : NONE
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : SYSMANPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Password for SYSMAN user
# Valid values  : Check Oracle10g Administrator's Guide
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if LOCAL specified for EMCONFIGURATION
SYSMANPASSWORD = "changeThisToSomething"
# Name          : DBSNMPPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Password for DBSNMP user
# Valid values  : Check Oracle10g Administrator's Guide
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if EMCONFIGURATION is specified
DBSNMPPASSWORD = "changeThisToSomething"
# Name          : CENTRALAGENT
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Grid Control Central Agent Oracle Home
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if CENTRAL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION
# Name          : HOSTUSERNAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Host user name for EM backup job
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
# Name          : HOSTUSERPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Host user password for EM backup job
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
HOSTUSERPASSWORD= "changeThisToRealLinuxOracleUserPwd"
# Name          : BACKUPSCHEDULE
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Daily backup schedule in the form of hh:mm
# Default value : 2:00
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
# Name          : SMTPSERVER
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Outgoing mail (SMTP) server for email notifications
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
SMTPSERVER ="smtp.server.tld"
# Name          : EMAILADDRESS
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Email address for email notifications
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
EMAILADDRESS ="oracle@mailhub.tld"
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Location of the data file jar 
# Valid values  : Directory containing compressed datafile jar
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Location of the data file's
# Valid values  : Directory for all the database files
# Default value : $ORACLE_BASE/oradata
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Location of the data file's
# Valid values  : Recovery Area location
# Default value : $ORACLE_BASE/flash_recovery_area
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : STORAGETYPE
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the storage on which the database is to be created
# Valid values  : FS (CFS for RAC), ASM, RAW
# Default value : FS
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : RAWMAPPINGFILE
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies mapping file for RAW storage
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : YES, if the value of storageType is RAW
# Name          : DISKLIST
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Comma seperated list of OS disk paths to be used (eg. /dev/rdsk/disk1,/dev/rdsk/disk2)
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : YES, if the value of storageType is ASM
# Name          : DISKGROUPNAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the disk group name for the storage
# Default value : DATA
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : REDUNDANCY
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the redundancy level for the diskgroup
# Valid values  : HIGH/NORMAL/EXTRENAL
# Default value : NORMAL
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : DISKSTRING
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies disk discovery path for ASM
# Default value : OS specific, eg. /dev/rdsk/* on Solaris
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : ASM_SYS_PASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies password for ASM instance to be created
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : RECOVERYDISKLIST
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Comma seperated list of OS disk paths to be used (eg. /dev/rdsk/disk1,/dev/rdsk/disk2)
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the disk group name for the recovery area
# Default value : RECOVERY
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the redundancy level for the recovery diskgroup
# Valid values  : HIGH/NORMAL/EXTRENAL
# Default value : NORMAL
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : CHARACTERSET
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Character set of the database
# Valid values  : Check Oracle9i National Language Support Guide
# Default value : "US7ASCII"
# Mandatory     : NO
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : National Character set of the database
# Valid values  : "UTF8" or "AL16UTF16". For details, check Oracle9i National Language Support Guide
# Default value : "AL16UTF16"
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : Boolean
# Description   : Specifies whether to register with Directory Service.
# Valid values  : TRUE \ FALSE
# Default value : FALSE
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the name of the directory service user
# Mandatory     : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password of the directory service user.
#		  You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
# Mandatory     : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE
# Name          : WALLETPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password for wallet to created or modified.
#		  You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
# Mandatory     : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE
# Name          : LISTENERS
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies list of listeners to register the database with.
#		  By default the database is configured for all the listeners specified in the 
#		  $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora 	
# Valid values  : The list should be space separated names like "listener1 listener2".
# Mandatory     : NO
#LISTENERS = "listener1 listener2"
# Name          : VARIABLESFILE 
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Location of the file containing variable value pair
# Valid values  : A valid file-system file. The variable value pair format in this file 
#		  is <variable>=<value>. Each pair should be in a new line.
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : NO
# Name          : VARIABLES
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : comma seperated list of name=value pairs. Overrides variables defined in variablefile and templates
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : NO
# Name          : INITPARAMS
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : comma seperated list of name=value pairs. Overrides initialization paramters defined in templates
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : NO
# Name          : MEMORYPERCENTAGE
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : percentage of physical memory for Oracle
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : NO
# Name          : DATABASETYPE
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : used for memory distribution when MEMORYPERCENTAGE specified
# Default value : MULTIPURPOSE
# Mandatory     : NO
#-----------------------*** End of CREATEDATABASE section ***------------------------
# createTemplateFromDB section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createTemplateFromDB". 
# Name          : SOURCEDB 
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The source database from which to create the template
# Valid values  : The format is <host>:<port>:<sid>
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
SOURCEDB = "myhost:1521:orcl"
# Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME 
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : A user with DBA role.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
# Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD 
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password of the DBA user.
#		  You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
#SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
# Name          : TEMPLATENAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Name for the new template.
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
#-----------------------*** End of createTemplateFromDB section ***------------------------
# createCloneTemplate section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createCloneTemplate". 
# Name          : SOURCEDB
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The source database is the SID from which to create the template. 
#		  This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
SOURCEDB = "orcl"
# Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : A user with DBA role.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication
# Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password of the DBA user.
#		  You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
#SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
# Name          : TEMPLATENAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Name for the new template.
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Location of the data file jar 
# Valid values  : Directory where the new compressed datafile jar will be placed
# Default value : $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates
# Mandatory     : NO
#-----------------------*** End of createCloneTemplate section ***------------------------
# DELETEDATABASE section is used when DELETE_TYPE is defined as "deleteDatabase". 
# Name          : SOURCEDB
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The source database is the SID 
#		  This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
SOURCEDB = "orcl"
# Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : A user with DBA role.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication
# Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password of the DBA user.
#		  You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication
#SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
#-----------------------*** End of deleteDatabase section ***------------------------
# Name          : TEMPLATENAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Name of the template
# Valid values  : Template name as seen in DBCA
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
TEMPLATENAME = "New Database"
# Name          : GDBNAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Global database name of the database
# Valid values  : <db_name>.<db_domain> - when database domain isn't NULL
#                 <db_name>             - when database domain is NULL
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
GDBNAME = "db01.msk.gdm-group.ru"
# Name          : SCRIPTDESTINATION 
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Location of the scripts
# Valid values  : Directory for all the scripts
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No
#-----------------------*** End of deleteDatabase section ***------------------------
# CONFIGUREDATABASE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "configureDatabase". 
# Name          : SOURCEDB
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The source database is the SID 
#		  This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
SOURCEDB = "orcl"
# Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : A user with DBA role.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication
# Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password of the DBA user.
#		  You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication
# Datatype      : Boolean
# Description   : Specifies whether to register with Directory Service.
# Valid values  : TRUE \ FALSE
# Default value : FALSE
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : Boolean
# Description   : Specifies whether to unregister with Directory Service.
# Valid values  : TRUE \ FALSE
# Default value : FALSE
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : Boolean
# Description   : Specifies whether regenrate database password in OID/Wallet
# Valid values  : TRUE \ FALSE
# Default value : FALSE
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the name of the directory service user
# Mandatory     : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password of the directory service user.
#		  You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
# Mandatory     : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified
# Name          : WALLETPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password for wallet to created or modified.
#		  You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.
# Mandatory     : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified
# Name          : EMCONFIGURATION
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Enterprise Manager Configuration Type
# Default value : NONE
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : SYSMANPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Password for SYSMAN user
# Valid values  : Check Oracle10g Administrator's Guide
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if LOCAL specified for EMCONFIGURATION
#SYSMANPASSWORD = "password"
# Name          : DBSNMPPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Password for DBSNMP user
# Valid values  : Check Oracle10g Administrator's Guide
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if EMCONFIGURATION is specified
#DBSNMPPASSWORD = "password"
# Name          : CENTRALAGENT
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Grid Control Central Agent Oracle Home
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if CENTRAL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION
# Name          : HOSTUSERNAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Host user name for EM backup job
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
# Name          : HOSTUSERPASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Host user password for EM backup job
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
# Name          : BACKUPSCHEDULE
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Daily backup schedule in the form of hh:mm
# Default value : 2:00
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
# Name          : SMTPSERVER
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Outgoing mail (SMTP) server for email notifications
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
# Name          : EMAILADDRESS
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Email address for email notifications
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION
#-----------------------*** End of CONFIGUREDATABASE section ***------------------------
# ADDINSTANCE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "addInstance". 
# Name          : DB_UNIQUE_NAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : DB Unique Name of the RAC database
# Valid values  : <db_unique_name>
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
DB_UNIQUE_NAME = "orcl10g.us.oracle.com"
# Name          : INSTANCENAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : RAC instance name to be added
# Valid values  : Check Oracle10g Administrator's Guide
# Default value : <sid_prefix>+<highest_current_thread+1>
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : NODELIST
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Node on which to add new instance 
#                 (in 10gR2, instance addition is supported on 1 node at a time)
# Valid values  : Cluster node name
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
# Datatype      : Boolean
# Description   : Set to true if passwords are encrypted
# Valid values  : TRUE\FALSE
# Default value : FALSE
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME 
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : A user with DBA role.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
# Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD 
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password of the DBA user.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
#SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
#-----------------------*** End of ADDINSTANCE section ***------------------------
# DELETEINSTANCE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "deleteInstance". 
# Name          : DB_UNIQUE_NAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : DB Unique Name of the RAC database
# Valid values  : <db_unique_name>
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
DB_UNIQUE_NAME = "orcl10g.us.oracle.com"
# Name          : INSTANCENAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : RAC instance name to be deleted
# Valid values  : Check Oracle10g Administrator's Guide
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : Yes
INSTANCENAME = "orcl10g"
# Name          : NODELIST
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Node on which instance to be deleted (SID) is located
# Valid values  : Cluster node name
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : Boolean
# Description   : Set to true if passwords are encrypted
# Valid values  : TRUE\FALSE
# Default value : FALSE
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME 
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : A user with DBA role.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
# Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD 
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : The password of the DBA user.
# Default value : none
# Mandatory     : YES
#SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"
#-----------------------*** End of DELETEINSTANCE section ***------------------------
# CONFIGUREASM section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "configureASM". 
# Name          : DISKLIST
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Comma seperated list of OS disk paths to be used (eg. /dev/rdsk/disk1,/dev/rdsk/disk2)
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No (YES to create new diskgroup or add disks to existing diskgroup)
# Name          : NODELIST
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Comma-separated list of cluster nodes
# Valid values  : Cluster node names
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No (YES for RAC)
# Name          : DISKGROUPNAME
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the disk group name for the storage
# Default value : DATA
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : REDUNDANCY
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the redundancy level for the diskgroup
# Valid values  : HIGH/NORMAL/EXTRENAL
# Default value : NORMAL
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : DISKSTRING
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies disk discovery path for ASM
# Default value : OS specific, eg. /dev/rdsk/* on Solaris
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : ASM_SYS_PASSWORD
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies password for ASM instance to be created
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No
# Name          : RECOVERYDISKLIST
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Comma seperated list of OS disk paths to be used (eg. /dev/rdsk/disk1,/dev/rdsk/disk2)
# Default value : None
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the disk group name for the recovery area
# Default value : RECOVERY
# Mandatory     : No
# Datatype      : String
# Description   : Specifies the redundancy level for the recovery diskgroup
# Valid values  : HIGH/NORMAL/EXTRENAL
# Default value : NORMAL
# Mandatory     : No
#-----------------------*** End of CONFIGUREDISKGROUPS section ***------------------------


export HISTCONTROL="ignoredups"
export HISTIGNORE="mc:ls:df:du"
export HISTSIZE=15000
export HISTFILESIZE=15000


export ORACLE_SID=utf
export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=oracle.host.tld
export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle
export ORACLE_TERM=xterm
export ORACLE_BASE=/ora
export ORACLE_HOME=${ORACLE_BASE}/product/
export ORA_NLS33=${ORACLE_HOME}/ocommon/nls/admin/data
export TNS_ADMIN=${ORACLE_HOME}/network/admin
export CLASSPATH=.:${ORACLE_HOME}/jdbc/lib/classes12.zip:$ORACLE_HOME/jre:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib;
export PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${ORACLE_HOME}/jdk/bin:${PATH}
## For oracle installation
#export LANG=C
#unset  NLS_LANG
## For oracle use in production
#for UTF termilans:

Andrew A. Sabitov 2010-11-23 18:09

oracle/oracle10gappendix.txt · Последнее изменение: 2011-06-28 16:40
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